Monday, August 9, 2010

Sometimes I say things...

Hello anybody who might possibly be reading this!

So.. um.. yeah. This is my only time blogging other than when I did BEDA last year (quite unsuccessfully, I might add). Hopefully I can get into the swing of things and it'll all be good and I might say something somewhat entertaining in my blogs. YAY!

I decided to start blogging for a few reasons. Here, let me give you a list:
  1. I thought: "Everyone else is doing one, why not?"
  2. I thought: "As much as I love vlogging, it would be nice to say things without people seeing my face sometimes."
  3. I said: "I think I am going to make a blog!"
  4. My friends said: "Yeah!"
Anyway, that's the basics, I suppose.

So let's see, to start off my blogging experience, I want to do an actual post rather than a 'Hello, I am here. The end' kind of thing.

I suppose I could tell a story. Would y'all like that? Okay? Okay.

[Warning: This story is based upon truthful incidences, but is, in fact, not entirely true as a whole. As a cool guy named John Green says, "Writing is the only way I can twist my lying memories into something true."]

So, I have a little brother. We'll give him a name. His name is Jack. My little brother has taken up a new hobby, which consists of making lanyards. These lanyards are made with plastic-like string, and he only knows how to make the box-lanyard. He makes TONS of them. We'll give it a number. Let's say 30 or so just in the past two weeks.
Anyway, I suppose being a little boy, making lanyards will only entertain you for so long. So what does he do? He starts coming up with NEW IDEAS on what to do with the string.
The story continues. I woke up this morning, took a shower, got dressed, then walked out of my room to get some breakfast, because I happened to be starving. I walked out of my door, only to trip on something and fall--flat on my face-- on the carpet. I got up and looked at what had caused me to tumble to the floor like a freaking domino.
My brother had taken one end of a lanyard string and tied it to a table across the hall. The other end of the (very long) lanyard string led across the hall, about 2 feet off the ground, over the staircase railing, and tied to another piece of string (this time a blue piece) which was tied to another piece (this one yellow). At the end of that last lanyard piece, which led all the way down the height of the stairs, was attached to a lime green gift bag with one of his toy cars in it.
He was using it as a pulley system. Thanks bro, love ya too.
Then I went downstairs to eat (I was still hungry). I had just put a bagel in the toaster when my dad told me to put it away because he was going to make something. So I cancelled my toaster toasting my bagel and waited for pancakes. Pancakes are great, but my poor bagel. :(

Anyway, hopefully you'll get another update soon!

Days until I go to Maui: 9
Days until school starts: 30
Progress on Driver's Ed: Section 3, page 3


  1. Yay for new blogs! I love the picture at the top :)

    And that was a very interesting story. Probably because Pulley systems interest me in a weird way lol

  2. I like how your page looks with your picture banner thing. Funny story, your brother is quite creative ^_^ Glad you're blogging, we can't get enough Teryn =P Love ya!
